
Venus Jasper is a Queer visual artist, storyteller, world builder, singer-priestess, writer, and curator, based between Amsterdam and Antwerp.

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Before Dirt Was Dirty

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This artwork consists of a single self portrait photograph as one of the lavender fauns from the video work DIRTY (2022). The photo is 52 x 78 cm, framed with white gloss wood and museum glass, there is also a glassless version with a light brown wooden frame of 52 x 78 cm.

  • This work has been exhibited at MELKWEG Amsterdam (NL), RE_NATURE Den Bosch (NL), Dat Bolwerck Zutphen (NL) and Vishal Haarlem (NL).
  • This work is available on venusjasper.earth/shop.

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Photography: Kyle Tryhorn.

MUA: Sletlana

Styling: Venus Jasper